IoT Smart Meter
IoT Smart Meter
Genuine IoT - all and more!
Reliable, cost-effective, smart and sophisticated IoT single-phase (Global patent), three-phase electricity and water meter monitoring.
The only IoT Time-of-Use prepaid Net-metering, bidirectional electricity meter. Supported by Sigfox with LORA, MBIOT and other IoT networks to come.
Easy plug-and-play installation. The cheapest meter data communication costs on the market today, with the highest data frequency.
Seamless integration into the WeBIll platform. Simple integration into payment platforms.
All WeBill meters are certified by the standards authorities in the jurisdictions where the meters are sold.
Single Phase
- Hourly and Half Hourly Readings.
- Import and Export Consumption.
- Net-Metering.
- Relay.
- kWh.
Three Phase
- Hourly and Half Hourly Readings.
- Relay.
- kWh.
- kVArh.
- kVA / kW.
- Monthly Maximum demand.
- Net-Metering.
Water Monitor
- Hourly Kilolitre Readings.
- Excessive Consumption Alerts.
- Burst Pipe Alerts.
- Leakage Alerts.
- Leakage Amounts.
Generator Monitor
- Monitors when your generator turns on and off.
- The system will be able to charge differently.
- Tariffs are based on whether the generator is on or off.
- Allows for accurate billing based on generator tariff.