Read | Rate | Recover | Recommend

Property Managers and Developers

The most significant challenge that Property Managers and Developers face is that of under recovery of utilities. To overcome this challenge and to ensure on-time and in-full revenue recovery, it is essential to ensure:

  • Accurate and verifiable meter reads.
  • Application of relevant and optimal tariffs.
  • Identification of by-passed meters.
  • Detection of leaks and wastage.
  • On-time and correct billing.


By implementing the WeBill Solution, Property Managers and Developers are assured that the correct processes are implemented and executed. Accurate billing, reduction in errors and billing queries will ensure on-time, in-full revenue collection.

Accurate and Verifiable Meter Reads

The WeBill Solution can ensure accurate and verifiable meter reads in several different ways:

Application of Relevant and Optimal Tariffs

Tariff complexities are addressed to ensure that the correct and optimal tariff is applied to the accurate reading. The WeBill
system accommodates the proposed Eskom pre-paid Time of Use (ToU) tariff structure.

Smart Prepaid Electrical

Identification of Meters Being Bypassed

The overriding and by-passing of meters is a common practice. Consumers can consume a utility, without consumption being measured. Consumers therefore consume the utility free of charge.

With regards to post-paid meters, the Field Manager Module assures accurate and verifiable meter reads.

In the case of pre-paid electrical meters, the WeBill Smart Prepaid Electrical Meter sends a consumption reading on the hour every hour. If the hourly messages are not forthcoming, this could be an indication that the meter has been by-passed. In this case a notification will be sent, and a physical verification of the meter could be performed. If it is found that the meter has been by-passed, they meter can be switched off.

Detection of Leaks and Wastage

Water leaks are detected and reported on, indicating the number of liters per hour wasted.

On-time and Correct Billing

With real-time, accurate meters reads and the seamless application of correct tariffs, on-time and correct billing instructions are available.

With correct invoices, comes a reduction in billing queries and on-time, in-full revenue recovery.